A New Method A New Method

New MapBox Version of the ACA Map

Last year, when I lived in Utah, I slapped together a Google Map of ACA Locations. Back when I was working on it, I lamented my use of Google Maps. The licensing seemed too restricive for my purpose — to openly share what I felt was public information.

To it’s credit, Google Maps is incredibly easy to use. Provided you’ve already GeoCoded your data, it’s as easy as uploading a .csv.

As it turns out, using Mapbox and OpenSteetMap turned out to be just as easy.

Mapbox Implementation

Honestly, there wasn’t much to this. Mapbox provides some gorgeous, tweakable tiles out of box, and provided me with the embed below.

Design-wise, I opted to go slightly modify one of their stock themes, but in the future I might make the time to develop a custom theme.

For now, I’m happy with this rudimentary map.

If you’d like to add to the project, feel free to check out the Github repo.