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Linux Forensics Cheatsheet

Recently, I finished up the LInux Forensics Room on TryHackMe and found a lot of really great refreshers on concepts I think are relevant for Penetration Testers, CTF Players and wannabe Red Teamers.

Here’s my LInux Forensics cheatsheet, its also available on Github.

 OS and account information

Getting release information:

cat  /etc/os-release

Finding User Accounts:

The passwd is usually world readable by default and can be used to enumerate other users on the machine.

cat /etc/passwd

We can clean up the output w/ the following:

cat /etc/passwd | column -t -s :

Group Information

We can get information about groups in the following way: /etc/group


user@machine$ cat /etc/group 

Here’ we can see the user adm belongs to the syslog and ubuntu groups.

The x signifies that the user has a password stored in the /etc/shadow file.

Sudoers List

We can view the sudoers list, or users allowed to upgrade their privileges by viewing. /etc/sudoers

Login information

Found in the /var/log, we can view log files. These include:

- wtmp
- btmp

These contain information about failed logins. wtmp keeps historical data about logins. These files are binary files and can be viewed with the last command.

Authentication logs

All authenticagted users are logged in the authlog. These can be found at:


You’ll need to be root or allowed to view these files.

Example usage:

cat /var/log/auth.log | tail



cat /etc/hostname


cat /etc/timezone

Network Configuration


Active network connections

We primarly will use system tools like netstat

netstat -pant

Running processes

ps aux

DNS information

Files like /etc/hosts contain configuration information for DNS assignments.

cat /etc/hosts

Information about DNS resolvers (how linux hosts talks to DNSServers) can be found in /etc/resolv.conf

cat /etc/resolv.conf

Persistence Mechanisms

Cron jobs

cat /etc/crontab

Service startup

cat /etc/init.d


When a bash shell is started it runs commands through the .bashrc file which can be found in the users home directory. /var/ cat ~/.bashrc

Sudo execution history

All the commands that are run on a Linux host using sudo are stored in the auth log. We already learned about the auth log in Task 3. We can use the grep utility to filter out only the required information from the auth log.

user@machine$ cat /var/log/auth.log* |grep -i COMMAND|tail

Bash history

Any commands other than the ones run using sudo are stored in the bash history. Every user’s bash history is stored separately in that user’s home folder. Therefore, when examining bash history, we need to get the bash_history file from each user’s home directory. It is important to examine the bash history from the root user as well, to make note of all the commands run using the root user as well.

user@machine$ cat ~/.bash_history

Files accessed using vim

Vim keeps logs. So we can and should access these:

cat ~/.viminfo

Log FIles

Log files are insanely important for forensics investigations.

Log files can be found at: /var/log


The Syslog contains messages that are recorded by the host about system activity. The detail is configurable through the logging level.

We can use cat, head, more, and `less.


cat /var/log/syslog* | head

Auth logs

cat /var/log/auth.log* |head

Third Party Logs

Similar to sys and auth logs we can find other types of logs in /var/log/.